Board of Directors

Rikke Hougaard Zeberg, Director General

Rikke Hougaard Zeberg holds a MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law, and has served as Director General of the Agency for Climate Data since 1st June 2023.  

Søren Beltofte, Deputy Director General

Søren Beltofte holds a MSc in Political Science, and he has been deputy director general of the Agency for Climate Data since 1st November 2021. Søren Beltofte was head of department in the Agency for Digitisation 2016-2021.

Morten Hvidberg, Deputy Director General

Morten Hvidberg holds a MSc in Geography, and he has been deputy director general of the Agency for Climate Data since 1st October 2020. Morten Hvidberg was head of departement in the Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency and the Danish geodata agency 2014-2020.