
The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure has responsibilities within broadband internet access and connection

Broadband mapping

The annual broadband mapping describes the development in coverage and uptake of broadband in Denmark. These developments are shown at a postal district level. You can find it at or in the Broadband Mapping 2015. The publication contains maps showing coverage of 100 30 and 10 Mbps download as well as 30 and 10 Mbps upload. In addition maps of the availability of access technologies - DSL cable fibre mobile and wireless broadband - are included.

The Broadband Mapping 2015 (In Danish) - Check your network

At you can see the broadband coverage at address level for all households in Denmark. You can also get an overview of which companies that can supply your address with broadband and the download and upload speed that you can get at the address.

At you can:

  • Zoom in at a region municipality or address and see which broadband speed you can get
  • Look up the access technology e.g. cobber cable tv or fibre
  • See the coverage for homes businesses and vacation houses
  • Find out which companies that deliver broadband to your address
  • Compare key figures of the coverage in regions and municipalities
  • Find guides of how to choose your unique broadband speed suited to your needs.
  • Measure your broadband speed
  • See measured speeds for households on a map gathers the current broadband mapping and broadband meter. The website supports active consumers and municipalities can use the site to plan targeted local activities to improve the coverage. is being developed continuously

It is the very first time also in an international context  that such a detailed digital map has been developed. For this reason there can be a need for optimization of This is version 1.0 and will be further developed in dialog with broadband providers and consumers. Later it will also be possible to see mobile coverage on address level. (In Danish)