Telecom in numbers

Here you will find telecom statistics, economic key figures, meetings with industry, hearings and the Nordic-Baltic telecommunications statistics.

The biannual telecommunications statistics contain information about developments on the Danish telecommunications market. The statistics are based on data reports from providers of telecommunications in Denmark and include subscribers and traffic from fixed networks, mobile telephony, broadband, IPTV, bundled services and price statistics. 

Background data for figures and tables in the report as well as market shares and historic data are available in the background data tables. The tables also contains statistics, which are not highlighted in the publication. 

Link to the report and background tables (in Danish, see under “Telestatistik”).

‘Economic key figures for the telecommunications sector’ presents an overall picture of the economic activity in the Danish  telecommunications sector for a full calendar year with an overview on revenue, investments and employment at an aggregated level.

Data for revenue, investments and employees are collected by, The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure from the Danish telecommunications providers.

Link to press release and fact sheet (in Danish, see under ‘Økonomiske Nøgletal for Telebranchen’):

Historical publications from before 2011 are available upon request to the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure at  

‘Economic key figures for the telecommunications sector’ is one of several statistical publications and data, which the Danish Agency for Climate Data publishes about the telecommunications sector on an ongoing basis. Find other publications and data (in Danish)

The Nordic and Baltic telecommunications authorities have developed a common set of statistics entitled 'Telecommunication markets in the Nordic and Baltic countries' in the working group, Nordstat. The statistics compare figures from the Nordic and Baltic telecommunications markets concerning the development of broadband, mobile and landlines, TV distribution and the market share of the largest providers.

Find the latest report (see under “Nordisk baltisk telestatistik”)

Related data materials including background tables can be accessed through the statistics portal belonging to the Swedish telecoms authority.